Tealeaf provides an API that enables Voice of Customer (VOC) users to link directly from the customer comment section of the VOC user interface to the replay of the customer session. You can also use the API to link from the customer comment section of the VOC email to a replay of the customer session.
You can integrate session replay with VOC solutions such as OpinionLab or ForeSee. The Tealeaf API simplifies session replay-to-VOC integration while improving your customer service representative's ability to assist customers.
Note: The requirements for integrating session replay with a VOC solution can vary depending on the VOC vendor. To ensure a successful integration of session replay and your VOC solution, consult with your Acoustic professional services representative and a VOC vendor integration specialist.
Implementation requirements for integrating session replay with a VOC solution
The implementation requirements for integrating session replay with a VOC solution include the following:
- Tealeaf needs to programmatically send to the VOC the Session ID with the website survey response. This can be done by setting a JavaScript™ variable or a cookie on the website.
Note: The variable / cookie name must be TLSessionID.
Required parameters:
The session ID, which is most often labeled
, can be found in the cookie, which is accessible from the browser. - SessionDate
Provide the timestamp that is as close to the card creation/submission time as possible. Ideally, the timestamp should be associated with the experience that the user wasn't happy with (or was happy with).
- HostName
The value for this parameter is tealeaf-us-1.goacoustic.com. - OrgKey
The setting for the OrgKey parameter is provided by Acoustic Professional Services.
- Provide the replay base URL, which looks similar to this:
For each survey response received, ForeSee inserts the TLTSID into the URL dynamically, and creates the link to view the session replay.
API properties
The Tealeaf API that integrates session replay with the VOC solution takes the following parameters:
- Host Name
- The hostname of the Tealeaf application.
- The session ID for which is used to locate the session. The Session ID is a cookie value known as
. - SessionDate
- The date of the session. The timestamp is displayed in Greenwich Mean Time (GMT), and the format can be either
oryyyy-mm-dd HH:mm:ss
.If the value for the TLTSID parameter corresponds to multiple sessions, and the session date format is
, the session returned for replay is the most current as it pertains to the SessionDate.If the value for the TLTSID parameter corresponds to multiple sessions, and the session date format is
yyyy-mm-dd HH:mm:ss
, the session returned for replay is the session that occurred at that time (+/- a second). - orgCodeKey
- The
DataCenter ID
combined string for uniqueness across data center. - Redirect Status
- Determines whether to redirect to session replay or not. Default setting for the Redirect Status parameter is
, the API starts anhttp
redirect to the final destination of the reporting Replay user interface.When
, the API responds with the Replay user interface URL.
Work flow
- The customer service representative receives an email from the VOC vendor with a link to the VOC comments.
- The customer service representative clicks the VOC link that opens the customer comments section of the VOC user interface.
- The VOC customer comment section contains a link to session replay, which is derived from the session ID (TLTSID) and which is captured during the VOC process.
- The customer service representative clicks the link to access a replay of the customer session.
- If the customer service representative is authenticated into Tealeaf, session replay opens directly.
- If the customer service representative is not authenticated, they must enter their credentials and then are redirected to Session replay.