When you are using Acoustic Campaign as a lead generation platform, marketing can use a combination of some features or processes to flag a contact that originates in Campaign for sync to CRM.
Before you start flagging contacts for sync to CRM, you must be familiar with the following settings. CRM Enable Sync is a system field that all CRM integrations use to determine whether the Campaign contact record must be synchronized to CRM. The value is set to either 0 or 1. If you set the value to 0, it means that you do not want to sync to CRM, if you set the value to 1 it means that you want to sync to CRM. On the CRM and Scoring Settings page, the Sync Settings check box determines the CRM Enable Sync default value. If you clear the check box, then the CRM Enable Sync defaults to 0, if you select the check box, then the CRM Enable Sync defaults to 1.
Sync Settings: a global setting and must not be toggled back and forth. If you have reason to not sync some marketing-generated leads to CRM, then clear the field, and use any one of the techniques noted in the following procedure to send the wanted records to CRM as new Leads while the rest remains in the Campaign and might be sent to CRM in the future. If you choose to select Sync Settings, the following procedure does not apply. The following procedure applies to the users who choose to clear the Sync Settings check box.
Do not change the CRM Enable sync option from 1 to 0. There are no known use cases that support toggling a syncing Campaign contact from 1 back to 0. If you do so, it creates a scenario where a syncing Campaign contact record no longer sync's with its match in CRM. They remain intact and grow out of sync.
For example, if you were to import a .CSV file and your intentions were to not flag them for sync to CRM, do not map to the CRM Enable Sync field. Clearing the Sync Settings option ensures that any new contacts default to 0 and if a matching email address is found, its CRM Enable Sync value remains unchanged, which might be a syncing contact.