Integrate Salesforce CRM with Acoustic Campaign
- Troubleshooting
- Manage leads and contacts
- Work with Send from CRM and/or Contact Insight feature
- The custom object and how it stores email activity for reporting purposes
- Purpose of the CRM Lead Source system field
- Deleting a synchronized record in Acoustic Campaign
- The value Other and what it means in the CRM Contact Type field
- Values for the status field in Acoustic Campaign Email Activity
- Finding Acoustic Campaign Revenue Dashboard Reports in Salesforce
- Impact of enabling Salesforce Clickjack protection
- Manage 3rd Party Cookies for Contact Insight
- Number of times an email can be sent from a Salesforce campaign
- Activating the Campaign Member sync to Salesforce
- Dynamically setting Salesforce Campaign ID and member status
- Bypassing the validation rule if a Salesforce user is making the update
- Automated behavior fields do not synchronize consistently with Salesforce
- Salesforce AppExchange package details
- Deleting a record in Salesforce
- CRM integrations and interactions with Salesforce Campaigns
- Cleaning up duplicates that originate either in Salesforce or Acoustic Campaign
- Representing the CRM Enable Sync field values in Acoustic Campaign
- Number of databases that can be integrated with a Salesforce organization
- Update a CRMi database without creating duplicates
- Viewing messages or actions that are older than 30 days in Contact Insight
- Creating a campaign in Salesforce and a corresponding program inside Acoustic Campaign
- Creating an Acoustic Campaign program and corresponding campaign in Salesforce
- Creating a new record in Acoustic Campaign and synchronizing it to Salesforce
- Building a classic query using the CRM Enable Sync field
- Updating the Salesforce accounts fields within Acoustic Campaign
- Multiple CRM personal message blocks