If Unica Campaign is integrated with Acoustic Campaign and the FCI configuration is active, you can use the Email process in Unica Campaign to send personalized emails.
This topic explains using the Email process box in a Unica Campaign flowchart.
Note: Emails must be sent by configuring message delivery in the Email process box.
- On the Flowchart properties screen, designate the name of the Flowchart. It's best practice to prefix the name with the acronym FCI to associate the Flowchart with the Fast Campaign Integration. Add a description if necessary.
- Select Save and edit flowchart.
- Configure processes in the flowchart to select the segments that will be used for the email campaign. For example, select all males aged 25-31. As with any flowchart, you can use multiple processes, such as Select.
- Add an Email process to the flowchart. The Email process must be the last in the flowchart.
- Connect a single Select process into the Email process.
- Configure the select box by clicking it.
- In the Input box, select your data source. Under Tables, select New Table.
- On the New table screen, select Base record table and then Next.
- Choose Map to an existing file from the options available and then Next.
- For File type, select delimited file.
- Under settings, in the Field delimiter drop-down menu, select COMMA.
- Then designate the Source file. The source file should be in the same folder you assigned the flowchart.
- Continue to the New table definition screen and designate the table name. It's best practice to prefix the name with the acronym FCI to associate the table with the Fast Campaign integration. Select Next.
- Set Audience level as Customer and select a unique identifier, such as
. - Continue to the Select fields to pre-compute distinct values screen. Select customer_id and Finish.
- Click OK to complete configuring your input source.
- Double-click the Email process to open the Email process configuration dialogue.
- Configure the Engage properties tab of the Email process. This table describes each property on the Engage tab.
Engage properties tab (Email process) Engage database template Required. Select the Acoustic Campaign Database Template that represents the structure of the Audience Database you wish to create. All shared Acoustic Campaign databases are listed. Selected input cells Required. Select the segments that receive this email. The input cells you see depend on which process boxes (such as Select or Segment) are connected to the Email process. For example, if two Select processes provide input to the Email process, two input cells are listed. Typically, you select all of the input cells. All of the IDs from the selected cells are then available to create the contact list and for customization (personalization). Create a new contact list for every run Select Create a new contact list for every run. All contacts in the list will be included in the email.
Specify a Name for the contact list.
Select either Add a suffix or Add prefix to indicate whether to include the timestamp at the start or end of the filename. A timestamp for the process run is always added to ensure that the list name is unique.
Optionally, include the Campaign ID and/or the Email Cell name as part of the filename.
- Configure the Content customization tab of the Email process. This table describes each property on the Email process Content customization tab.
Content customization tab (Email process) Email template Required. Select an Acoustic Campaign email template. All shared templates are listed. The template determines the content of the email. If you do not change this dialogue box, then all content comes directly from the template. Any changes you make in this dialogue override the content in the template. Changes are not saved to the template but are used in the email for the current run of this process box. Send email to all contacts immediately Important: This option immediately delivers email to all recipients when you do a production run in Unica Campaign. We recommend that you do a test run first. - If you immediately check Send email to all contacts, the email is sent to all recipients when you do a production run in Unica Campaign. (Note that a test run in Unica Campaign never sends emails, regardless of whether this option is selected.)
- Leave this option unchecked if you prefer to use Acoustic Campaign to send the emails. When this option is not checked, a production run in Unica Campaign uploads the contact list to Acoustic Campaign but does not send out the emails. You can then initiate/schedule the send from Acoustic Campaign.
Subject Optional. If you leave this field blank, the Subject line from the email template is used. If you enter content in this field, it will be used as the subject line in the email.
To indicate variables, surround them with %%. For example, specify
Hello %%FirstName%%!
to use values from theFirstName
field. If a value in that field is "John", the email Subject line will resolve to Hello John!.Note: The mappings you provide on the Field mappings tab of the Email dialog box determine which Unica Campaign fields will be used for personalization. For example, if you map the Unica Campaign field
to the Acoustic Campaign field, the values are pulled from the Unica CampaignFirstName
field. When the contact list is uploaded to Acoustic Campaign, the value of the Unica CampaignFirstName
field will be used to update theCustomerFirstName
field in the Acoustic Campaign database. Acoustic Campaign will then use the newly updatedCustomerFirstName
field when populating the email template.Email Name Required. The Email name identifies the email in Acoustic Campaign and Unica Campaign. The name you specify is used instead of the Email Name specified in the email template. You can use a name that indicates the purpose of the email and its flowchart, so you can quickly identify it later. Use static text only (no variables). Recipients never see this name.
To support response tracking, a timestamp for the process run is added to the name at process run time to ensure that the email name is unique for every process run. Additionally, the campaign code is included to track responses. This unique email name is included in every event generated by Acoustic Campaign, so it is used to correlate responses.
From Name Optional. Override the From Name that is specified in the email template. The template itself remains unchanged. Recipients see this name as the "From" name in the email. Use static text only (no variables). If you leave the field empty, the email uses the "From Name" specified in the email template. If you have questions about what was used in the email template, check with Support. Example of a From name: Jane Smith Reply-to address Optional. Override the Reply To Address that is specified in the email template. The template itself remains unchanged. Use static text only (no variables). If you leave the field empty, the email uses the Reply To Address specified in the template. If you have questions about what was used in the email template, check with Support. Example of a Reply-to address: jsmith@example.com From address Optional. Override the From Address that is specified in the email template. The template itself remains unchanged. Use static text only (no variables). If you leave the field empty, the email uses the From Address specified in the template. If you have questions about what was used in the email template, check with Support. Example of a From address: jsmith@example.com
Note: To avoid being blocked by ISPs, use the same domain for the From address and Reply-to address. Consult the Acoustic Campaign documentation for complete information about sending emails.
Static values for template Important: Static values for the template are not supported in the Fast Campaign Integration. Do not select it. File in folder Optional. This applies only if the Send email to all contacts immediately option is selected.
Specify where the email will be stored in the Acoustic Campaign (Content > View Emails > Sent). If you do not specify a folder, the email will appear in the root of the Sent tab. If you specify a folder that does not exist in Acoustic Campaign, you are allowed to create it as a subfolder (under "Sent").
Guidelines for specifying paths: Only use forward slashes. Do not use periods. Do not specify leading or trailing slashes. Do not specify static paths such as C:\Folder. If you specify an invalid path, you receive a runtime error of "Folder not found." Only the following characters are supported:
# _ - () A-Z a-z 0-9 /
Example: Specify Campaign/Test to save the email in Sent/Campaign/Test.
Due to record-keeping and database restrictions in the Fast Campaign Integration, Audience Databases and Sent Email records are automatically deleted in Acoustic Campaign 30 days after creation. Take precautions to save this data for your records.
- Configure the Field mappings tab of the Email process. This table describes each property on the Email process Field mappings tab.
Field mappings tab (Email process) Candidate fields This list shows all the available fields from the processes that provide input to the Email process box. These Unica Campaign fields contain data such as contact names and addresses, demographics, purchase history, or other information stored in Unica Campaign databases or flat files. Fields to export to Acoustic Campaign This list provides data to create the Acoustic Campaign Audience Database. The values for the mapped fields come from Unica Campaign databases or flat files.
For example, if you map the Unica Campaign field
to the Acoustic Campaign fieldCustomerFirstName
, the values are pulled from the Unica CampaignFirstName
field. When the contact list is uploaded to Acoustic Campaign, the value of the Unica CampaignFirstName
field will be used to update theCustomerFirstName
field in the Acoustic Campaign database. Acoustic Campaign will then use the newly updatedCustomerFirstName
field when populating the email template.When you map Candidate fields (in Unica Campaign) to Fields to export to Engage (in Acoustic Campaign), be sure that the mapped fields use the same Field Type (data type), such as Text, Date, Time, etc. If the data types do not match, errors occur when the system tries to import the values in the Candidate fields into the mapped Acoustic Campaign database fields.
EMAIL (Text data type) is a required field, so be sure to match an equivalent Candidate field from Unica Campaign (one that uses a Text data type) by clicking >>.
Also, ensure that the order of fields in the list matches those in the Acoustic Campaign contact list. Use the arrow icons to move a selected field up or down in the list. For example, move First Name before Last Name. Note: The order of the fields in this list determines the order in the comma-separated values (CSV) file created to form the contact list.
If a field for a specific record lacks a value, that field is left empty in the contact list. For example, if you map the ZIP field in Unica Campaign to the ZipCode field in Acoustic Campaign, and the zip code field is empty for a particular customer, that field is not populated in the comma-separated values (CSV) field that is used to create the contact list.
Profile It can be helpful to see the actual values stored in a database field in Unica Campaign. To do so, select a Candidate field and click Profile. Wait until profiling is complete to ensure you see all the values. For example, profile a field called Email to see a list of email addresses stored in that field. Derived fields Optionally, click the Derived fields button to create a new variable for querying, segmenting, sorting, calculating, or providing output to a table. Derived fields are variables that do not exist in a data source and are created from one or more existing fields, even across different data sources. - Configure the General tab of the Email process. This table describes each property on the Email process General tab.
General tab (Email process) Process name Assign a descriptive name. The process name is used as the box label on the flowchart. It is also used in various dialogues and reports to identify the process. Customers never see this name. Note Provide information to help you and other Unica Campaign users understand the purpose or result of this process. The content of this field appears when you rest your cursor over the process box in a flowchart. Customers never see this note. - Click OK to save and close the configuration dialogue.
- Save the flowchart.
Now you are ready to do a test run. It's your opportunity to confirm that the email is configured correctly before you send it out into the world.