Synchronize Acoustic Campaign leads to CRM contacts
Using a leads-to-contact mapping template to have a sync create CRM Contacts from Acoustic Campaign leads.
The standard Acoustic Campaign lead sync process, as demonstrated in Map 1 - Acoustic Campaign to MS CRM - lead Sync of the templates provided, is to update or create CRM leads from Acoustic Campaign Leads.
If your company's Business Model does not use CRM leads, you can use our leads-to-Contact mapping template to have the sync create CRM Contacts from Acoustic Campaign leads.
Before you begin
This mapping template is provided in the Microsoft Dynamics CRM maps article and named Convert Acoustic Campaign leads to Microsoft CRM Contacts. The map replaces the standard map one template for the Acoustic Campaign lead to CRM lead sync.
Note: this lead-to-contact conversion is very different from the standard lead to the Contact conversion process, which originates in CRM and is processed in map 5 -MS CRM to Acoustic Campaign - Contact Sync (Convert) of the templates provided.
About this task
The Query Block of the map asks Acoustic Campaign for lead records that have been modified on and after the set "modifiedon" date in the Net Change tab. For Each lead record found that is enabled for sync, Scribe will create a Contact record in CRM.
- Configure the map with Acoustic Campaign as the source and MS CRM as the target.
- Map the fields necessary to create a CRM contact (first name, last name, email, etc.).
- The Acoustic Campaign lead RECIPIENT_ID must be mapped to the contact.sp_engageid for this process to work.
On the sync back, use the standard map 4 - MS CRM Contact to Acoustic Campaign Contact template provided.
- Configure the map with MS CRM as the source and Acoustic Campaign as the target.
- The target entity in Acoustic Campaign is Contact and tells Acoustic Campaign the lead should be a Contact record.
- Map the fields necessary to update \insert an Acoustic Campaign contact.
- The CRM contact.sp_engageid must be mapped to the Acoustic Campaign Contact RECIPIENT_ID field.
- The Acoustic Campaign (Silverpop) connector API will match the CRM Contact sp_engageid with the Acoustic Campaign lead RECIPIENT_ID.
- The Acoustic Campaign lead will be converted to an Acoustic Campaign contact.
- The CRM contactid will be added to the CRM_SYNC_ID in Acoustic Campaign for the converted record.
An example of this scenario is when a lead is created in an Acoustic Campaign from a web form submission. The new lead is then sent to CRM as a contact record. Before the sync back, the new contact record in CRM may show the web form submission in the Contact Insight Iframe in CRM because the Recipient ID (sp_engageid) was included with the initial sync for the record.
Note: The CRM Contact Insight iframe generally uses the RECIPIENT_ID and the CRM_SYNC_ID to find a matching record in the Campaign. Some configurations may allow viewing the record if at least 1 of the values is available in CRM.
- The RECIPIENT_ID is stored as sp_engageid in CRM.
- The CRM_SYNC_ID is stored as the contactid or leadid in CRM.
After the sync back to Acoustic Campaign, the Contact Insight iframe will show the web form submission because now Acoustic Campaign has a RECIPIENT_ID and CRM_SYNC_ID match from CRM.
Opt-in a syncing lead or Contact
If you want to opt a synching lead or contact back in, don't delete the Acoustic Campaign contact if it is syncing to Microsoft Dynamics CRM. If deleted, marketing history already being tracked to this Acoustic Campaign Contact will no longer be referenced, and the Microsoft CRM record will have lost its twin record in Engage.
To correctly opt in, a syncing record that was previously opted out will require submitting a web form that uses Contact Matching to uniquely identify the record (often by email) that needs to opt back in. Once you have opted in the record using a web form, you must manually remove the email address from the master suppression list.
Note: The client will often use the same web form over and over again when the need arises. Do not select Auto-populate if contact is known when configuring the web form. If not, you can begin overwriting the previously submitted contact with a different email address.
If you need help in creating a web form, contact the client support team.
Qualifying a synchronizing lead and making it a contact in Microsoft Dynamics
Qualifying leads within Microsoft Dynamics CRM is a fundamental process where leads become contacts. The integration is designed to handle this operation. The Acoustic Campaign record associated with the lead will be deleted and a new Contact will be created that will synchronize with the new CRM Contact.
Disqualifying a syncing lead in Microsoft Dynamics
Disqualifying leads within Microsoft Dynamics CRM is a fundamental process. The integration is designed to handle the operation. The disqualified lead will be deleted within Acoustic Campaign.
If a CRM user deactivates, removes, or deletes a contact or lead from their CRM solution (any of them), the contact will irreversibly be removed from Campaign and no longer available for use in marketing.
Deleting a synchronized lead or contact in Microsoft Dynamics
Deleting leads or Contacts within Microsoft Dynamics CRM is a fundamental process. The integration is designed to handle this operation as shown below. The deleted CRM record will be permanently deleted within Acoustic Campaign.
Note: If a CRM user deactivates, removes, or deletes a contact or lead from their CRM solution (any of them), the contact will irreversibly be removed from Campaign and no longer available for use in marketing.
When a lead or a Contact is deleted in Microsoft Dynamics CRM, the integration adds a row to the sp_deletedobjectpointer
entity. A custom plug-in assembly named Silverpop.CRM.Plugins.EntityDeleteLogger
' will log a row of both lead and contact deletes in the sp_deletedobjectpointer
A separate Scribe Online mapping looks to this entity for the newly added rows. If there are any new rows, it means that the CRM records have been deleted. These entity records will include the lead or contact's unique identifier enabling the sync to lookup their twin inside Acoustic Campaign and perform a delete there as well.
Synchronize lead alerts to the CRM tasks
Acoustic Campaign can be configured to create a CRM Task Lead Alert based on Score and Rank, Web Form Submissions, File Downloads, or Program entry behaviors.
Review the lead alerts configuration section before you decide to enable this feature of the integration. Open a CRMi support case if needed. Complete the following steps to synchronize Acoustic Campaign lead alerts to CRM.
- Create a scoring model that scores or ranks leads based on demographic data or when they complete a specific behavior.
- Lead alerts are triggered based on the scoring model's score or rank, or other behavior specified.
Note: The task is queued in Acoustic Campaign until a Scribe Online mapping processes it.
- The Scribe Online admin imports the Acoustic Campaign lead Alerts Mapping template into your existing Scribe Online solution or a new solution can be created to handle the lead Alert synchronization only.
- After the map has been imported, select the map and click Edit.
- For the Source, click Reassign and select your Acoustic Campaign (Silverpop) Connection. For the Target, click Reassign and select your Microsoft Dynamics 365\CRM connection.
- Click Apply and Ok to save the Map after validation is complete.
Note: If errors exist after several validation attempts, click Ok to save the map in its current state and update your existing CRMi case, or open a new one, so an Acoustic Campaign CRMi specialist can assist with the configuration.