Tealeaf provides a regular collection of data, which is rapidly gathered and inserted into the database. This data is immediately available for use in reporting. Reports are displayed in your dashboard and can be easily customized based on dates, dimensions, metrics, and report formats.
When you’re viewing older sessions from reports, loading them can take longer to complete. Session list displays sessions for each day as they are retrieved beginning with the most recent day of the search criteria. You can check the status of your search above the table on the left and you'll get a notification in the Activity list when the search is complete. Return to your session list results at any time by clicking Activity list.
Your subscription has a limit on active searches for each user. If you try to begin a report session list search after that limit is reached, you’ll have to either wait for one of the active searches to finish, or pause an in-progress search to begin your search immediately.
Apply a date range universally to reports in your dashboard
Use the Set dashboard date range to pick a date range and apply it to all the reports in your dashboard.
Setting a date range for the dashboard with Set dashboard date range does not preclude you from applying date ranges to individual reports. If you set the date range for an individual report after setting a date range for the dashboard, the date range displayed in the dashboard toolbar reverts back to Set dashboard date range.
Predefined reports
A set of predefined reports are provided with your system. These reports provide immediate value and can help you answer key questions about application issues, overall health, and performance.
Reports include session event, fact, count, and screen view data, orientation changes, and gesture data.
Tealeaf provides some pre-built reports that you can add to your dashboard.
These reports provide a starting point for creating customized reports.
CDN Total Billable Hits
The CDN Total Billable Hits report tracks the number of billable hits flowing from the Akamai Content Delivery Network (CDN) to Tealeaf.
Billing is based on a million monthly interactions (MMI) metric. Tealeaf users can use the report to track Akamai data usage and modify their Akamai integration strategy as necessary.
Report details include:
- Breakout: Day
- Time range: Current month
- Metric: CDN Billable Hit Count (SUM)
Session Event Count
The Session Event Count report tracks the number of times an event is triggered in a user session. There are several versions of this report:
- Min
- Max
- Sum
- Average
Session Fact Count
The Session Fact Count report tracks the count of many attributes through out a session. Example of attributes include event, hit attribute, session attribute, and dimension value. There are several versions of this report:
- Count
- Min
- Max
- Sum
- Average
Session Count
The Session Count report tracks the overall session count. Each time a session ends the count increases by 1.
Session ScreenViews
The Session ScreenViews report tracks the number of times a screen is viewed by a user during a session. There are several versions of this report:
- Count
- Min
- Max
- Sum
- Average
One ScreenView Session
The One ScreenView Session (Count) report tracks the number of users who logged into the site, but did not navigate past the home page.
Session Duration (sec)
The Session Duration (sec) report tracks the length in time in seconds for user sessions. There are several versions of this report:
- Count
- Min
- Max
- Sum
- Average
Session Size (MB)
The Session Size (MB) report tracks the length of the user session in MB. There are several versions of this report:
- Count
- Min
- Max
- Sum
- Average
Orientation Changes
The Orientation Changes report tracks the number of times a users changes the orientation of their device. This report is specific to native iOS and Android. There are several versions of this report:
- Count
- Min
- Max
- Sum
- Average
The Gestures report tracks the number of gestures a user made during a session. This report is specific to native iOS and Android. There are several versions of this report:
- Count
- Min
- Max
- Sum
- Average
Unresponsive Gestures
The Unresponsive Gestures report tracks the number of times the User Interface does not respond to gestures the user made during a session. This report is specific to native iOS and Android. There are several versions of this report:
- Count
- Min
- Max
- Sum
- Average
Resize Gestures
The Resize Gestures (Count) report tracks the number of times a user re-sizes any content during a session. This report is specific to native iOS and Android.
Mobile APP Exceptions
The Mobile APP Exceptions report tracks the number of native mobile app exceptions that occur. This report is specific to native iOS and Android. There are several versions of this report:
- Count
- Min
- Max
- Sum
- Average
Report properties
Each report has a set of properties that are shown when you select the Widget Actions > Properties menu for the report:- Title - the title of the report
- Created by - the email of the user that created the report
- Date created - the date the report was created
- Date modified - the date the report was modified
- Display type - the type of the report, either chart or grid
- Application profile - the application for which the report shows data
Customize your report
Use this procedure to customize reports that are displayed in your dashboard. You can change date ranges, dimensions, metrics, filters, label names for the x and y axis, and how you display the report.
- On your dashboard, find the report and click Expand.
- To change the date range, use the calendar. Date ranges can be manually entered with a Start date and an End date or you can use one of the Quick select ranges.
- To change the labels and units for the x or y axis of the report, click Axis Setting. Enter a name for the axis in the text box or change the units for the axis.
The names and units that you assign to the axis can clarify the purpose of the report and make it easier for an analyst to interpret.
For example, your graph might show the percentage of visits per day. In this example, set the left Y-axis as a number of visits, the right Y-axis a percentage ratio, and the x-axis as days.
- Expand the right panel to customize Breakouts, Metrics, Filters, and Chart Type.
- To add Breakouts:
- Click Add.
- Select one or more dimensions to add.
- Click Breakout data by selected.
- To create a calculated metric, click Create.
Note: The Create function is available for standard reports only.
- Add metrics to your report.
- Construct a formula for a calculated metric by doing the following steps from the calculator:
- Select the metric.
- Use the functions on the calculator to create a valid formula.
- Enter a Name, Description, and Format for the calculated metric and click Save.
The calculated metric is added to the Report Builder Metrics section. The calculated metric is also added to the chart and grid sections of the report.
- To add Breakouts:
- To change how the report displays, select from the Chart type icons listed at the bottom of the page.
- If your report has multiple metrics but you want to display only one metric, select the metric from the Metrics drop-down. All metrics is the default. If you choose to display only a single metric, the data table still contains all metrics.
When you select Combo as the chart type for a chart that has multiple metrics, the Metrics section in the navigation panel is updated with a Left Y-axis area and a Right Y-axis area.
You can drag and drop the metrics under the Y-axis of your choice. The chart is updated automatically.
Edit a report
- You can move reports but only in dashboards that you created or reports in the public dashboard.
- In the dashboard, find the report that you want to move.
- Click in the report header and drag the report to a different place on the dashboard.
- You can remove reports from a dashboard.
Users who are assigned to the User role can remove reports only from the dashboards that they created. However, the System Administrator, Administrator, and SupportUser role can remove reports from dashboards that were created by any user.
- In the dashboard, find the report that you want to remove.
- On the report, select Menu.
- Click Delete.
- You can rename reports in a dashboard. If you copy a report from another dashboard, you should rename it.
- In the dashboard, find the report that you want to rename.
- On the report, select Menu.
- Select Properties.
- Update the title and close the menu.
- You can resize reports in a dashboard. You can resize reports only in dashboards that you created or reports in a public dashboard.
- In the dashboard, find the report that you want to resize.
- Click the corner of the report and resize the report.
Switch the report application
For some reports in Tealeaf, you can switch the application against which the report runs, without having to recreate the report.
You can switch the application in the following reports without having to recreate them:
- Geo report
- KPI report
- Process report
- Standard report: To see multiple metrics plotted along a left and right Y-axis on a single chart, select Combo as the chart type.
- From the dashboard, select and expand the report that you want to run against a different application.
- Expand the right-side panel and click the edit icon next to the application name.
- In the Edit window, select a different application.
Note: You can also switch applications for your report by clicking the edit icon in the Steps or Segments section of the right-side panel, and then clicking on 1 to open the Select an application profile window.
The report data is refreshed immediately to reflect the newly selected application.
- Click Save to apply the changes to the report.
Export a report
- On the dashboard, find the report that you want to export.
- Select Expand.
- Click Menu.
- Click Export.
- Choose the format (file type).
- Save the file.
View session data from a report
Session views are used to analyze session data. These views categorize session information into columns and rows. Tealeaf provides some session list views with your system.
Before you start, make sure that you know what report data you want to view.The session data is displayed in a table:
- One row for each session
- Multiple columns represent session attributes such as session start time, duration, screen views, and last screen viewed.
You can customize any views that you created.
You can customize any views that you created and apply different filters to create your own reports.
- Select the dashboard where the report resides.
- Expand the report widget. The report data is displayed in a chart and in a table.
- Select View sessions for the session data to view.
The session data is displayed in the table.
- To change the view of the data point, select a view from the drop-down list.
You can select from the provided views or select a custom view that you created.
To make your custom views available to other users, selecting Views > My views Name of your custom view and then click Share to Public views. Your view is added to the list of Public views.
- You can move reports but only in dashboards that you created or reports in the public dashboard.