Create and share dashboards and reports
Learn how to create, manage, and share customer experience data across your organization with dashboards and reports.
- About dashboards
- Discover reports in the starter dashboards
- Create your dashboard
- Set a dashboard as your home page
- Create dashboard categories
- Set the category for a public dashboard
- Bookmark a dashboard
- Share a dashboard
- Share and delete dashboards owned by another user
- Add reports from a shared or public dashboard
- About the Admin dashboard
- Performance dashboard
- Working with reports
- Create reports
- Schedule exports
- Add announcements to your dashboard with text widgets
- Rolling data in standard reports
- Add event data from a separate date range to a standard report
- Understand your geo-analytics report
- Work with dates in your process report
- Save an overlay report to a dashboard for future reference
- Key performance indicators (KPIs)
- Prevent information that personally identifies users from displaying in reports