You can create a dashboard category in Public Dashboards and in My Dashboards. To create a dashboard category in Public Dashboards, you must be an Administrator or system administrator.
As an Administrator or system administrator, categories in Public Dashboards allow you to group your organization's dashboards by department or function.
As a regular user, you can also create categories to structure and organize your work in a way that makes sense to you.
Use the following procedure to categorize dashboards for your organization or for yourself.
- To create a dashboard category for your organization, complete the following steps.
- Optimize > Analytics
- Go to Public Dashboards and click + Create category.
- Enter a category name and press Enter.
The category is added to Public Dashboards.
When a user shares a dashboard they created to Public Dashboards, they can set the category for the dashboard they are sharing.
- To create a dashboard category for yourself, complete the following steps.
- Select Optimize > Analytics
- Go to My Dashboards and click + Create category.
- Enter a category name and press Enter.
The category is added to My Dashboards.
You can edit the category name, drag the category to another area of Public Dashboards or delete the category.
You can manage dashboard categories from the navigation pane. You can:
- Delete the dashboard category.
- Move the dashboard category container by dragging it to a new location.
- Delete the dashboard category.
- Edit the name of your dashboard category.
You can move existing dashboards into a dashboard category by dragging the dashboard onto the dashboard category folder.
You can move dashboards out of a dashboard category by selecting the dashboard and dragging and dropping it outside the dashboard category folder.