Synchronize new leads into Salesforce
When new leads are introduced inside the Acoustic Campaign you have the option of syncing them immediately to Salesforce or you can nurture and manage them when they sync to Salesforce for the first time.
The Acoustic Campaign database field CRM Enable Sync determines whether a record is to sync with Salesforce. The CRM Enable Sync field is directly related to the Sync Setting option in the Acoustic Campaign and is built around the initial syncing of a record from the Acoustic Campaign to Salesforce.
If the Sync Setting option is selected, this means that for any new record that is inserted into Acoustic Campaign, the CRM Enable Sync field is set to 1 and the record is inserted into Salesforce as a new Lead. All records that are inserted into the Acoustic Campaign from Salesforce have the CRM Enable Sync field automatically set to 1. This applies to records inserted through a form, by an import, or manually.
If the Sync Setting option is not checked, then for any new record that is inserted into Acoustic Campaign the CRM Enable Sync field is set to 0, and will not automatically sync with Salesforce. This applies to records inserted through a form, by an import, or manually.
If you clear the Sync Setting option then you must use one of a number of features within Acoustic Campaign to automate and control when the records sync with Salesforce. For example:
- The Lead Score Model option is used to synchronize contacts to a CRM based on rank value or score.
- Acoustic Campaign Programs action is available on steps or tracks to sync contacts with CRM.
- The web forms option is used to synchronize contacts to CRM.
- The Import option is used to include a column in your file to map the CRM Enable Sync field and set this field to 1.
- The manual option is used to update a record by selecting Yes in the CRM Enable Sync field.
Amount of time for the integration to synchronize Leads or Contacts
CRM integration maps and synchronizes your lead, contact, and account information between Salesforce and Acoustic Campaign for a better, more streamlined marketing process.
Approximately every 10 minutes the integration checks for new or modified leads, contacts, or accounts. For example, if a sales representative keys in a new lead or contact in Salesforce, that record will be added to the Acoustic Campaign within 10 minutes. The synchronization time may fluctuate, but generally, it is expected to synchronize within 10 minutes.
Add a Lead or Contact manually to Acoustic Campaign from Salesforce
In Acoustic Campaign under the Edit Program Settings within a Program, there is an option labeled Program approved for sales. Select this option for any program that you want to allow contacts to be added to automatically through the Contact Insight, and bypass the entrance criteria.
Program approved for sales allows the users of the Contact Insight Report to add leads or contacts to this program, bypassing the entrance criteria. The Contact Insight Report is available on the SFDC lead or contact page layout(s) and also inside the Acoustic Campaign.
Assign Lead ownership when the integration creates a new Lead in Salesforce
In Salesforce you can create assignment rules to automate your organization’s lead generation and support processes. The Lead Assignment Rules specify how leads are assigned to users or queues as they are created manually, captured from the web, or imported via the Data Import Wizard.
Typically, your organization will have one rule for each overall purpose. For example, one lead assignment rule for importing and a different lead assignment rule for web-generated leads or one case assignment rule for standard use, and one case assignment rule for holiday use. For each rule type, only one rule can be in effect at any time. Each rule consists of multiple rule entries that specify exactly how the leads or cases are assigned.
The active Salesforce assignment rule will be used during the creation of a new Lead; otherwise, the new Lead will be owned by the Salesforce user that is configured within the Acoustic Campaign configuration. By default, an email notification (as configured on the assignment rule in Salesforce) will not be triggered. If your assignment rules have an email notification configured and you want it to be triggered during the assignment, contact Acoustic Campaign support.
Clone a Lead or Contact in Salesforce that has been synchronized with Acoustic Campaign
You can clone a Lead or Contact in Salesforce that has been synchronized with Acoustic Campaign
The clone will be added to the Acoustic Campaign as a new recipient. If the Lead or the Contact being cloned has an Acoustic Campaign Recipient ID you will be required to remove that Acoustic Campaign Recipient ID from the cloned record as this field cannot contain duplicates, and will be assigned a new recipient ID upon synchronizing with Acoustic Campaign.
Convert a Lead to a Contact with Contact Insight
Contact Insight is the Salesforce (SFDC) feature that syncs with Acoustic Campaign to provide you with a summary view of the sales readiness of potential leads and contacts.
The marketing history visible through the Contact Insight that was available on the lead will also be available for viewing on the contact. This is simply a URL that uses the Salesforce ID to retrieve history from the Acoustic Campaign. After the conversion, it will take a few minutes for the new Salesforce Contact ID to sync back to the Acoustic Campaign to re-activate the view.
Search for a contact in your database and click the contact's email name. On the Edit Contact page within Acoustic Campaign, you can quickly view your contact's Lead Rank, Score, and the Number of Programs the contact is participating in within your CRM or Leads database (scoring and ranking must be activated). Additionally, there is the option to view the same version of Contact Insight, currently available in the salesforce app exchange, within Acoustic Campaign by clicking the View Contact Insight button.
Deleting a synchronized lead or contact in Salesforce
If you delete a synchronized Lead or Contact in Salesforce, the corresponding record in Acoustic Campaign will be deleted.
Syncing lead is converted into a new Contact in CRM
The converted Lead is Deleted in the Acoustic Campaign and replaced by a new Contact. The new Contact generates a new recipient ID, and then the new Contact is pushed from Acoustic Campaign to CRM.
After the new Contact is pushed to CRM, a merge job is initiated in Acoustic Campaign that merges the marketing history from the recently deleted Lead into the new Contact.
Essentially there is a winner and a loser, the loser is deleted, which in turn deletes the synchronized record in the Acoustic Campaign. The winner is a modified SFDC record so any new mapped field values are synchronized with the remaining Campaign record that is associated with the merge winner. Additionally, the integration includes any marketing history from the loser of the merge onto the winner via the Acoustic Campaign activity insight URL.
Options for accessing Contact Insight from a lead alert email for sales reps that do not have access to Acoustic Campaign
If your sales reps are connecting via a corporate VPN, then you won't need to validate new IPs (since they are using the corporate IPs). This allows you to offer a single Reporting only username or password for all sales reps or per sales rep username or password without any extra steps for security. This is the ideal solution. However, if your sales reps do not use a corporate VPN, then a few options are available
- Provide each rep with their own username/password and let them validate their IP address individually. When they log in for the first time from a new IP, they will receive an email that prompts them to approve that IP. For this to work, IP restriction settings at the Org Level cannot be turned on. While this means you have to create a username/password per rep, it will provide the highest level of security with minimal impact to a Reporting-only user as well as to all the other users.
- If you have several sales reps and don't want to create a separate username/password for each one, then a shared username/password can be created. With this option, you will need to turn OFF some of your security measures. To make these changes, you will need to:
- Open a support ticket requesting that IP validation be disabled for this organization.
- Log in as an org admin and verify that IP restriction is not turned on for your organization.
A highly recommended option would be to turn on IP restrictions for specific user accounts. While this is a preferred security option, note that if a user has this enabled and logs in from an unregistered IP, that IP address cannot be registered/approved until:
- they are back on an approved IP
or - they have requested approval/registration of the IP through your org admin
Note: Do not turn on IP restriction for the shared username/password Reporting only user.
Telesales configuration and how it pushes the CRM Activities section for a Lead or a Contact
Telesales is a Step Resource in programs that allow marketers the ability to communicate with contacts through multiple channels. The option can be placed in a program at any point just like an email step. The Telesales option is used to direct contacts to a telemarketing or sales department to reach out for follow-up. Creating a Telesales step gives marketers the ability to send contacts to Telemarketers and Sales teams so contacts are called in the context of a marketing program and mark each contact that qualifies for the step to be exported to a Telemarketing/Sales team.
The step types allow you to specify what data should be included on the export and even schedule the frequency that qualified contacts should be sent to the vendor/Sales team or direct mail vendor. This can be done daily, weekly, or monthly. You can place the Telesales steps anywhere on a workflow; in front of or after a decision, in front of or after other step types like emails.
- The character limit for the Script Text and Instruction sections in Telesales configurations is 4000.
- When a Telesales Step is processed, the CSV file is placed in Resources or Stored Files under the Shared Folder.
- These CSV files are only kept in Stored files for 14 days at which point the link in the email is no longer valid.
- The user should be able to create a program and be able to add a Direct Mail step or Telesales step to the program and have it export the intended contacts.
- The Telesales step creates a CSV file and sends it to a specified email address.
Understand the permissions to send Acoustic Campaign emails from Leads, Contacts, and Campaigns
Different profiles that the user is using for the SendFromCRM must have written or read permissions over the application's custom objects that are required to handle this feature.
The following custom objects are required to handle the feature of sending an Acoustic Campaign email from Leads, Contacts, and Campaigns:
- Silverpop_PH
- Email Link
- Silverpop_Email_activity
- Silverpop_Email_Campaign_Activity
- Silverpop_Email_Campaign_Link
Each of the custom objects must have configured all their fields according to certain specifications. For example, in the following section, the Silverpop_PH custom object is demonstrated and one of its fields belonging to that custom object is used to explain how to verify the minimum permissions required to handle the SendFromCRM feature properly. For illustration purposes, the field that is used is Send Date/Time.
Note: If the package is not installed with full access to your profile, you cannot access to change the permissions for those objects and their fields.
Salesforce CRMi job failure
If the Salesforce CRMi job fails and is unable to synchronize lead or contact data between Salesforce and Acoustic Campaign for 24 consecutive hours, an email is automatically sent indicating a job failure notification to the Notification Addresses
- the Acoustic user set for the integration in the credentials tab.
- the principal user of the org.
Settings > User Management > User Accounts | Principal User Identifier |
The notification email will be sent out once every 24 hours until the issue causing the job failure has been fixed, then the synchronization will resume.
Single Record Failures
There are two Campaign User Interface methods for reviewing single failed records:
Review Sync History
The Contacts and Leads sync histories in the Status tab.
Sort by Failed, and then click on Record Failures in the bottom right section.
Review the Failure Reason(s).
Alerts Tab
Alerts can be filtered by Sync Direction and specified Date range.
If no alerts appear it’s usually due to the volume of records synching. It’s best to use Sync history record failures in the Status tab when this occurs.
Custom Export
As a last resort, a backend export of failed records can be requested in a CRMI support case.
The ability to export CRMi record sync failures within Acoustic Campaign is not available. Please vote on the following idea for the feature to be included - Ability To Export CRM Sync Logs.