Specify the General and Proxy settings to complete the Acoustic Campaign integration installation.
Note: Some Microsoft Dynamics CRM On-premise environments have firewall or proxy settings implemented by their Network Administrator that don't automatically allow access to Tibco Scribe Online or Acoustic Campaign servers. Review the Proxy and Firewall document for guidance on allowing On-premise CRM environments that use proxies to communicate with Tibco Scribe Online and Acoustic Campaign. If you need assistance, open an Acoustic Campaign CRMi support case.
Use the steps below to complete the General Settings configuration.
- Go to Settings (gear icon) > Advanced settings.
Note: To access the Settings > Administration area in Microsoft Dynamics CRM, you must be assigned to the System Administrator security role. - Go to System > Administration.
- Click the Acoustic Campaign Integration button in the ribbon, then General Settings.
To access the Acoustic Campaign Integration button, you must be assigned to the System Administrator or Acoustic Campaign Admin security role.
- To communicate with Acoustic Campaign from Microsoft Dynamics CRM, update the following fields.
- Enter the Endpoint corresponding to your Acoustic Campaign organization. See the table below for more information.
- Enter the Refresh Token generated for the MS Dynamics application. See Get the MS Dynamics Refresh Token.
- Enter the List ID corresponding to the Database selected in CRM and Scoring Settings for your Acoustic Campaign organization. Then, see the Database Summary and use the Database ID as the List ID.
- Enter the Host corresponding to your Acoustic Campaign organization. See the table below for more information.
Acoustic Campaign POD Endpoint URLs Host URLs (adding https is optional) 1 https://campaign-us-1.goacoustic.com api-campaign-us-1.goacoustic.com 2 https://campaign-us-2.goacoustic.com api-campaign-us-2.goacoustic.com 3 https://campaign-us-3.goacoustic.com api-campaign-us-3.goacoustic.com 4 https://campaign-us-4.goacoustic.com api-campaign-us-4.goacoustic.com 5 https://campaign-us-5.goacoustic.com api-campaign-us-5.goacoustic.com 6 https://campaign-eu-1.goacoustic.com api-campaign-eu-1.goacoustic.com 7 https://campaign-ap-2.goacoustic.com api-campaign-ap-2.goacoustic.com 8 https://campaign-ca-1.goacoustic.com api-campaign-ca-1.goacoustic.com 9 https://campaign-us-6.goacoustic.com api-campaign-us-6.goacoustic.com B https://campaign-ap-3.goacoustic.com api-campaign-ap-3.goacoustic.com - Uncheck Tracing. This is only checked when troubleshooting the integration.
- Click Save.
Clicking Save will validate the ability to connect to Acoustic Campaign, and the box will disappear. If an error occurs, recheck the values entered. Enter an Acoustic Campaign CRMi support case if needed.