CRM integrations interact with Salesforce Campaigns in four different ways.
Adding our Send Acoustic Email button
Adding our Send Acoustic Email button in the Salesforce Campaign page layout allows you to send an Acoustic email from a Shared template to the members of the Campaign.
The Salesforce Campaign does not integrate with Acoustic Campaign, instead, this feature facilitates sending of an Acoustic Campaign email to the current Campaign members within Salesforce. Once the email is sent, the integration returns the email delivery statistics to the Campaign related list object named Acoustic Email Campaign Activities.
Create CRM Campaign
During the Send process within Campaign, there is a check box that says Create CRM Campaign.
Create CRM Campaign creates a Salesforce Campaign which represents the specific email send. Additionally, the integration adds the default member status, for the Campaign recipients who are already syncing with Acoustic along with the Mailing ID statistics in the custom object-related list that is named Acoustic Email Campaign Activities:
Adding a contact from an Acoustic Campaign program
You can add a contact from an Acoustic Campaign Program to an existing Salesforce Campaign by adding the action Add Contact to Campaign to a Step or Track in Program Step Resources.
You must specify the existing Salesforce Campaign ID.
The Campaign Member Status is optional, but if used it must match a status that exists for the Salesforce Campaign specified.
You can also build rules around the action to only synchronize contacts that are in a step or track.
Sync contacts based on rules.
If no rules are selected, all contacts will be synced with CRM.
Associating a Campaign or a Program with Web Forms
You can associate a Campaign or a Program with Web Forms so that you can use Salesforce reporting to better understand which Campaigns are most influencing leads.
In Standard Web Form properties, attach a Campaign Code (Salesforce Campaign ID) to your web form, so when recipients submit your web form, it adds leads\contacts to the Salesforce Campaign specified. You can also set a Campaign Status (Campaign Member Status) in addition to the Campaign Code.
Custom member status considerations
If custom member status needs to be used they should be created in Salesforce before using them in Acoustic Campaign.
The following describes how Salesforce allows adding custom Salesforce campaign member statuses
For Salesforce Classic - see this page.
Add values to the "Member Status" campaign field using Advanced Setup when editing a Salesforce Campaign
For Salesforce Lightning Experience - see this page.
To allow users to create their own campaign member statuses, an admin adds the Campaign Member Statuses related list to campaign records.