As a user of Acoustic Personalization, you can create personalization rules for audiences that are shared from a data segmentation solution, as long as the solution is registered as an audience source endpoint in Acoustic Exchange. If you use Acoustic Campaign, you can share audience data, such as shared contact lists and queries, with Acoustic Personalization.
Important: This feature is only available to Acoustic Personalization users who request audience sharing to be enabled for their organization. Interested in enabling this feature? Contact Acoustic Support and provide the details as listed in the Prerequisites section.
For a more thorough overview of audience sharing, check out this Exchange Help Center article. Also, the visitors will not see personalized content based on their audience membership until their identity is matched. This Exchange Help Center article covers various use cases related to identity matching.
- Register your channel (website) in Personalization.
- Contact Acoustic Support and provide the following details:
- Subject: Enable Audience Sharing for [Personalization Org Name]
- Contact email address
- Personalization Organization Name (as shown on the Implementation status page)
- Personalization Organization ID (as shown on the Implementation status page)
- Exchange Organization Name (as used in Exchange)
- Exchange Account ID (as shown by hovering over your Organization name in Exchange)
Register your data segmentation solution as an audience source endpoint in Acoustic Exchange. Skip this step if it is already registered as an endpoint in Exchange.
Also check out the Obligations as an audience source - Register Acoustic Personalization endpoint in Acoustic Exchange. Skip this step if Personalization is already registered as an endpoint in Exchange.
- If you are an Acoustic Campaign customer, add the Campaign web tracking snippet to your website.
- Register Acoustic Campaign endpoint in Acoustic Exchange. Skip this step if Campaign is already registered as an endpoint in Exchange.
- Ensure that you have an audience in Acoustic Campaign. If you do not have an audience, you can create one by referring this Help Center page.
- Ensure that you have a Shared Database, Contact List, or Query in Acoustic Campaign.
Share the audiences in Exchange
Audiences that you want to use in Personalization should be shared from Exchange. If you do not have any shared audiences, perform the following steps.
- Log in to Acoustic Exchange.
- Go to Audiences and click Share audiences and identifiers.
- Choose an action. Ensure to select the check boxes for Share an audience and Upload identities to the Exchange Identity Store.
- Select your audiences.
- If you recently created an audience, or if your audience is not visible in the list, click Refresh audiences.
- In the Source audience, go to Acoustic > Acoustic Campaign > *Audience Name*
- In the Destination audience, go to Acoustic > Acoustic Personalization subscriber endpoint
- If you have already shared the audience, select it from the list. Otherwise, create a new audience and give it a name.
- Map source to destination in the “Map audience identifiers” section.
- Source identifier: RECIPIENT_ID
- Destination identifier: x1id
- Schedule the action, to specify when to share the audience, either immediately, on a select date, or on a recurring basis.
When the audiences are shared successfully, the status is shown as Complete.
For detailed information on audience sharing via Acoustic Exchange, check out Marketer: Share an audience.
Schedule the audience share
You can choose to schedule the audience sharing to happen on a recurring basis, according to a frequency that you specify. For detailed information, check out this Exchange Help Center article.
Note When you specify Time to schedule the audience sharing, the GMT time zone is used.
Use shared audiences in Personalization
You can create segments in Acoustic Personalization to target visitors who belong to the shared audiences.
Personalization sets a time to live value for the shared audiences, after which the shared audiences expire. This ensures data freshness and prevents targeting contacts who no longer belong to a specified audience. By default, the time to live value is 30 days from the date of last share. For example, if your last import date was September 4, then the shared audience will expire 30 days later, that is, on October 4. If you share an audience again, then this value is reset, and it is set again to 30 days from the date of latest share.
You can check the time to live value (that is, the number of days after which a shared audience will expire) on the Implementation status page.
Rules that use segments that contain expired shared audiences will not evaluate to true and show personalized content until the audience data is shared again.
Complete the following steps to create a segment using a shared audience.
- In Acoustic Personalization, open the main navigation. Go to Create.
- Provide a name for the segment, and optionally, a short description.
- Click Next.
- In the Segment details page, click Add condition to specify the inclusion and exclusion criteria using condition builder.
- Select the Attribute as Shared audience.
- Select the Operator as is
- For the Value field, select the shared audience segment you had created.
Note: These options are only available if your organization is enabled for audience sharing. If no shared audiences are available, an error message is displayed.
Shared audiences for which the time to live date has passed, are marked as -Currently expired. However, they are not deleted. If a segment uses an expired audience, then personalization may not happen because the contacts belonging to the expired audience are not matched. If you create or edit a condition that uses a shared audience which is currently expired, an error message suggests you to choose another shared audience, or else delete the condition.
- Click Add.
- Segment details page opens. Click Save segment.
Now, you can create a rule using this segment that uses the shared audience. Check out Create a rule or Use segments to create rules or instructions.